Recently, I saw this Happy Cat meme

which I found very interesting

This cat is jumping around

accompanied by this happy music

It really makes you feel happy


Watching this little cat jumping is really cute

but also a bit pitiful




Searching under Happy Cat brings up this children's music my happy song

and the original song wasn't this high-pitched

There's a part where children are supposed to sing along in a high pitch

and it's very catchy

so someone made a video using it

I don't understand why some people dislike this children's music

It doesn't make much sense to me


Then this Happy Cat led to many other creations

including a crossover with the previous Banana Cat



It's a whole cat universe~








Then I saw a comment on the original video

that said the story behind the original video is actually sad



So I tried to search for the original video

The original video was posted in 2015


" 行きつけのペットショップが今日で閉店…連れて帰りたい "


The video is about

seeing a small cat jumping at a Japanese pet store that is about to close

and wanting to take it home



Then someone commented

that if a pet store completely closes down and has unsold cats, their fate might be to be "disposed of"

which is the same fate as some unwanted stray animals



PS: But now in Taiwan, there is no euthanasia

"This year (2023) marks the sixth anniversary of the zero euthanasia policy, but it has been criticized for not effectively controlling the number of stray animals quickly, leading to increasingly intense conflicts between wild animals and stray dogs"






Let's look at the comments:

The original text here is in Japanese

I just used Google Translate




If you know the story behind it, it feels not so happy


But some people say: Pets in a closed-down pet store are not necessarily disposed of immediately; they might be sold to other stores



Someone commented that they work at a pet store

If no one adopts them, they might be disposed of

To control the number of products, sales must be managed within a certain quantity

So, there is still a disposal mechanism


From this sign, you can see that this cat is sold for 170,000 yen

In terms of the 2015 exchange rate, it's about 30,000 to 40,000 TWD


Watching this little cat anxiously waiting for someone to buy it is also a sad thing


I am very much against this kind of pet trade

But to oppose pet trading

many people need to have the idea of vegetarianism

because pigs, chickens, and cows are also bought and sold every day

They just might not be as cute...


If it's targeted at banning the trade of cats and dogs, it might be possible

But even this is something modern people can't achieve

When it involves interests, people are unwilling


There are indeed still people buying pets

including expensive cats and dogs

I once saw a Husky being abandoned

It's quite ironic to think about...


So really, we should promote "adopt, don't shop"

The pity is that some people only think about what they need right now

They might think they are not doing anything wrong

They also think they can take good care of the pets

But what they don't know is: Their actions can have a wide impact (butterfly effect)

But people always start from their own interests

After all, it is a capitalist society

Money equals power

Power equals influence

Influence can shape decisions

This is how society operates


All I can say is

Namo Amitabha