[PHP] [coding] [conversion]PHP iconv transcoding

iconv only after PHP 4 Usage is very simple UTF-8 encoded input BIG5 is encoded output $ content is the content So if my string is UTF8 Then I want him in the above presentation BIG5 page You can use the following manner echo iconv('UTF-8', 'BIG5', $content); But seriously This encoding problem Are......


[JavaScript] [Find String] indexOf ()

There are ways to find the string in javascript Is to use indexOf () To find the string Such as var str="Hello Zoearth!" alert(str.indexOf("Zoe")); //is 6 alert(str.indexOf("Hello")); //is 0 alert(str.indexOf("Moon")); //is -1 It should be noted that when the position is zero when foundDirect judgm......



I think the best use of Taiwan VPS is ACSite.NET friends You look at his price A simply awful !!! Taiwan VPS someone cheaper than it? There should be no bar on my experience and use it As a personal website it is very, very sufficient brought Elevated and writing services practice is ultra CP electr......



This is the snail that I saw in my hometown in Nantou before Found when weedingAlso knocked into its shellI am sorry Sometimes I thinkWhat is life in the end?Is life meaningful? But I found that the Buddhists put it well[Everything from the heart into thinking]Because we want lifeSo life appearsOf......


[PHP teaching] buffer output

In PHP There is a buffered output function ob_start (); / / Open buffer echo " Hello "; / / output (this time not output characters) $ temp = ob_get_contents () ;/ / get the current output (currently Hello) echo 'ob buffer contents:'. $ temp ; / / output the contents just made ob_end_clean () ;/ / e......


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