Javascript time how to compare?

Hello everyone!Recently I met a demand of the time required to verify inputI will write this //Here is the time to check var goTime = '2016-01-20 12:00'; //Verify time format, here I would like to use 2016-01-21 14:04 if (goTime.match(/^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$/) == null )//Tim......


Run python with apache + mod_wsgi in Windows 10

Hello everyoneRecently I wanted to install web python in windows 10 with mod_wsgi The idea is to follow the same way like apache + PHPLoading mod to enable Then I google it...Found that the main problem is need to find out the current version of apache is the most importantStart here to download th......


[PHP]how to Call plugin in joomla 3 ?

Hello everyone In joomla 3, the developer is a very important element inflection pluginThere are many types of plugin in joomla3 and even can also add their ownlike the system plugi will explains how to call plugin //captcha plugin JPluginHelper::importPlugin('captcha');//load plugin $dispatcher =......


[PHP] plus a temporary password

Hello! I want to add temporary password in framework then i found a solution <?php //open session session_start(); if (isset($_SESSION['newlogin'])) { unset($_SESSION['newlogin']); } //set account and password $valid_apasswords = array("test" => "123456"); //get keys $valid_admin = array_keys......


[joomla 3] how to modify the POST values

Hello everyoneWhen writing code beforeValue; you want to modify JRequest::getVar()DiscoveryUnder some situationsDirectly modify $_POST parameter is invalidThen I tried so many waysFor example: JRequest::setVar('jform','1'); JRequest::setVar('jform',array(),'POST',TRUE); no use(but no error)(。A。)......


[blender 3D]Skeleton and physics problems

Do not know whether there are people like meEncounter this problem Preview obviously have to apply to the physical effectsHowever, when computing is no physical effects This is similar to the following Hair is not moving!A closer look will findEffects on the effects of the fabric Subsurf (subdivisi......


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