Buddha Does Not Save Those Without Affinity - Ven. Master Jingkong

The Buddha is capable of enlightening beings across the nine realms of existence. The key lies in his own attainment of ultimate perfection, where there is no trace of deficiency.

However, there are still those who cannot be influenced. What could be the reason? It's the difference in affinity.

During the time of Shakyamuni Buddha, there was a person whom the Buddha taught, but he didn't believe, didn't listen, couldn't accept, and harbored dislike towards Shakyamuni Buddha. Whenever he saw the Buddha, he would turn away his face.

Knowing there was no affinity, the Buddha instructed Sariputra to deal with him.

Sariputra guided and transformed him. Why? Because of affinity.

Hence, there is a saying in Buddhism, "Buddha does not save those without affinity." It's not that the Buddha lacks virtue; it's the absence of affinity. He is not pleased.

We need to understand these principles. After understanding, we need to learn, improve our virtues, and also cultivate good affinities with others, avoiding bad ones.

In reality, both bad and good affinities are considered affinities, but cultivating bad affinities is very arduous, not as beneficial as cultivating good ones.

Cultivating good affinities, don't forget the Four Methods of Attraction.

The Buddha taught us the Four Methods of Attraction, which are ways to establish affinities.

The first one is "giving." What is giving? Giving gifts, hosting gatherings—this is quite common nowadays in mainland China, the first of the Four Methods of Attraction.

But following that, the second one, "sweet speech," is missing—"beneficial actions, working together"—these are not there.

These four complement each other. It's not sufficient to rely solely on one. All four methods must be utilized. Only then can we completely attract and embrace all sentient beings.
