Where is the Western Pure Land of the Western Paradise? - Master Jingkong



The Western Land in the Buddhist Scriptures refers to the Western Pure Land, Sukhavati. What is this Sukhavati, or Western Pure Land? It is the Pure Land of Shakyamuni Buddha's nirvana, not the western direction on Earth. It is the western direction within the realm of the Great Thousand Worlds.

The Great Thousand Worlds are vast beyond comprehension. In the past, we may have thought of them as the Milky Way galaxy. If we consider the Western Pure Land in terms of the Milky Way galaxy, indeed, over the 12,000 years of Shakyamuni Buddha's teaching, that western direction remains unchanged. Its movement is subtle, its orientation remains consistent. Thus, it is not referring to our Earth, but rather to the expansive world of Shakyamuni Buddha.

