Gratitude to Master Jingkong

Master Jingkong: "Namo Amitabha Buddha," what does it mean?


My initial introduction to Buddhism began with this video.

Initially, I was rather skeptical about religion,

Considering it mostly superstition.

But then, I found myself deeply puzzled,

What is the purpose of life?

What are the goals of our existence?

Ultimately, we all face death.

And when we die,

What relevance does this Earth,

This nation,

This society,

Have to us?

However, it wasn't until I encountered Buddhism

That I understood:

Death is not the end.

"What does '阿彌陀佛' mean?"


Upon seeing the news of the venerable Master Jingkong's nirvana and rebirth, there is a sense of reluctance in my heart. However, I also recall the teachings of Master Jingkong: "All phenomena are illusory." I believe I must remember Master Jingkong's teachings and apply them in both my daily life and within my heart. This is what Master Jingkong would most hope for us to do.