Does magnetic force help soreness?

Hello everyone In fact, I still do n’t have a clear idea that magnetic force can help relieve soreness But indeed, there are many articles on the Internet that magnetic force can repair the human body Then let me talk about my personal experience I saw this video Healing Magnet Therapy (2012)http......

Chaogang International Restaurant

Chaogang International Restaurant

cause of fate, the company's tail teeth held here, the tail of this thing, that is true is very special. The tail teeth represents the company's gratitude for the old year, the new year's expectations, and then everyone wants to take the red envelope, but all with the lottery, meaning ... or depend......


[Life] darkness and fear

Very common to go out to play their own Union Every time when the night after the highway... i will feel a sense of fear inexplicable... In fact, after careful analysis In fact, this fear is very associated with the night Because in the dark Unknown sense will always improve... in my mind Contains......

[Graffiti] stubborn dream

[Graffiti] stubborn dream

Life is like a dreamHowever, it is difficult to detect their own body in a dreamBecause we are still obsessed with the dream of thingsSo it is difficult out of this dream...



This is the snail that I saw in my hometown in Nantou before Found when weedingAlso knocked into its shellI am sorry Sometimes I thinkWhat is life in the end?Is life meaningful? But I found that the Buddhists put it well[Everything from the heart into thinking]Because we want lifeSo life appearsOf......


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